
SecureFarm are also known as SecureSwap's Liquidity Pools (LP). When you provide liquidity for these liquidity pools, you get rewarded with SCX for supporting our thriving ecosystem.

In order to ensure a sustainable growth, SecureSwap's initial farms will feature a few platforms that have contributed greatly to the entire DeFi and blockchain space.

To contribute to liquidity pools you will need to have both tokens (e.g. SCX and BNB for the SCX-BNB pool), and in return for adding liquidity to the pool, you get an LP token which is a token representation of your share of the pool. The LP token can also be staked to earn you rewards.

Deposits into non-native (non-SCX) farms will incur a small deposit fee. This deposit fee will be used as a deflationary measure to buy-back SCX in part or in whole in order to maintain and support the SCX economy. The deposit fee will be visible on the front end when you are providing liquidity, and only collected on deposit, which results in your stake being net of the fees.

Last updated